Create extreme productivity

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Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose —Thomas Edison

Productivity!!! Most people face the same challenge, so many things to be done in just 24 hours in a day. Yet some people seem to have twice that time.  They have a talent in getting things done, and fast. Even when handling multiple projects, they can manage the tasks and the results without much difficulty.


Without a doubt, leaving the office after an extremely productive day is an incredible feeling.  With the right attitude, tasks can be completed in an extremely productive way, every day.  It is not extra time that is needed, but the right way of doing things.

Here are eight strategies that work well for me and that can create extreme productivity in your everyday life:

  • Get ready from the night before. This is a technique that I learned early on in my career and it has really made a difference when I have very demanding days.  Get your next day organized prior to your departure from the office.  It is just an investment of a few minutes, but it really saves a lot of energy and time for the next day.
  • Never touch upon things twice. Never postpone or put things on hold. When something gets your attention create the habit of acting immediately on it, delegate it or just ignore it altogether.
  • Stick to the set time schedule for meetings.  It is easy to lose the sense of time and to drag on in an endless process if you allow it. This tends to be one of the biggest time wasters.  Extremely productive individuals set boundaries by letting everyone know that there is a defined time a meeting should last, and which tasks need to be completed within that specific time.  This creates motivation and speeds up energy for focus, sharpness and efficiency.
  • No is an answer.  And extremely productive individuals know how to honor their time and priorities by saying NO to what may not be serving their current commitments.
  • Multitasking is a NO NO! This has been such a huge lesson for me! Extremely productive individuals know that jumping from one task to another is a real time waster, and productivity and efficiency killer. For greater performance, focusing on one thing at a time creates acceleration which aligns with the brain better when it focuses on one thing at a time, whereas when two things are done at the same time, the brain becomes stuck and lacks full capacity and the potential for performing on two tasks successfully. 
  • E-mail checking at specific times. Extremely productive individuals set boundaries for outside distractions by setting a specific time of the day for checking and answering e-mails. For priority clients an alert can be set and an autoresponder for other clients which informs the sender when their e-mail will be replied to.
  • Delegate.  Extremely productive people know how to create a support system around them and know how to trust and delegate work to others.  They can also easily recognize which tasks need to be solved urgently and which also have little impact on the main goal, and they have the courage to delegate.
  • Set the intention of the day. This is such a powerful technique. Upon arising in the morning, set the intention and the vibration of the day.  For example, this day is going to be awesome, productive and effective for myself and for everyone I meet up with.  All challenges will dissolve with ease, in the best positive way for all involved.

We are all seeking ways to improve and progress, and to be more productive.  These are some of the strategies that have helped me the most. 

I welcome your comments and hearing about which strategies you may have applied and have worked for you. 



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To your success,

Maria Menicou

Personal and Professional Development coach

Telephone: +357 7000 7888








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